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2024 Pricing Survey

Lightspeed is conducting an anonymous pricing benchmarking survey. Usage-based pricing has become increasingly common in the past couple of years. This survey seeks to explore how startups view the trade-offs of usage-based economics and its effects on revenue models and customer preferences.

Upcoming PLG Workshop

Join us at our upcoming Product-Led Growth Workshop with PLG expert Hila Qu on August 30, 2023.

Looking to lease sublet space?

Share details about the space you are looking for or have available and we'll match you with relevant portfolio companies.

PR Launches

This checklist covers our recommended steps and a sample timeline for a PR launch. In addition to this guide, the Lightspeed Marketing team is available to advise you through this process. For help with your PR efforts, please reach out via our team page here.

PR Announcement Strategy

Identify Your Audience: Who are you trying to reach?

Define Your Goals: What are your goals for PR? To drive recruiting? Customer acquisition? Something else

Outline Your Strategy: Work with 1 trusted reporter on an in-depth exclusive OR pre-brief 3-5 reporters under embargo.

Identify Your Spokespeople: Who will tell your story? CEO? Investors? Customers?

Prep Materials for Launch

Develop a Press Release: Lightspeed can advise you through this process.

Form a Distribution Plan: Identify where, when, and how you will you be issuing this press release. Businesswire? PRNewswire?

Work With Your Investors: Investors have large Twitter & Medium followings, and partnering with an investor on a blog post can boost views and engagement.

Build Your Media Pitch: A compelling media pitch is critical in attracting reporter attention. Lightspeed has in-house specialists and consultants who can help you develop a unique angle for your company.

Complete Media Training: We recommend all founders and executives go through Media Training before any PR launch. Please reach out for information on Lightspeed's media training.

Identify Your Dream Media List: If you could have any media outlet (Forbes, TechCrunch, etc.) tell your story, which outlet would you pick? We recommend selecting a few to maximize your potential reach.

Prepare Outreach Emails: Develop outreach emails to your extended network, partners, investors, etc. about the launch. Include a placeholder for media coverage, suggested tweets, other CTAs, etc.

Prepare Social Media Posts: Prepare Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social posts in advance.

Additional Collateral

Executive Headshots

Team Photos

Product Photos

Product Videos

PR Announcement Timeline

Date TBD: Finalize announcement materials    

Date TBD: Pitch reporter(s) under embargo

Date TBD: Conduct media interview(s) + follow-up


Publish Lightspeed blog post

Social media activation

Pitch additional “day-of” reporters

Add company profile to Lightspeed website

For best practices when speaking with the media, check out our Storytelling and Media post here.

Crisis Communications

The message and tactics you use today will impact how your company is seen tomorrow. In this live session recording Lightspeed's Marketing Partner, Meredith Kendall Maines, and Greenbrier's Managing Partner, Lane Kasselman, break down if, when, and how you should be executing communications around current events and major change.

Topics Include:
  • Internal and employee communications
  • Marketing and customer communications
  • Communicating about tough COVID-19-related decisions
  • Managing the public perception of your brand through a crisis

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