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Sourcing & Social Proofing

We found that successful hires stem from the “Happy Thirds” approach: 1/3 through outbound outreach, 1/3 via inbound job boards & applicants, and another 1/3 through referrals from existing employees. To increase the likelihood of finding the right candidates, this resource covers how to improve your online presence and set up a sourcing process that makes the most of your time and resources.

Special thanks to recruiting expert and Growth by Design Talent co-founder, Jill Macri, for her collaboration in creating this resource.

About Jill Macri 

Jill specializes in recruiting fundamentals that support growth in alignment with company values and mission and is passionate about supporting women in leadership roles. Prior to GBD Talent, she was the Director of Global Recruiting at Airbnb for over 5 years, growing the company from 150 to 4,500 people with a focus on building diverse teams and maintaining values. As a partner and founder at GBD Talent, Jill leads executive searches, training for hiring managers, workshops, and strategic advisement.

Jill holds a B.A. in International Relations and Affairs. She worked in luxury active travel before transitioning into recruiting. She speaks four languages and has worked on six continents.

If you'd like to learn more about partnering with Jill Macri and Growth by Design Talent, please contact the Lighthouse team at

Why Candidate Sourcing & Engagement Matters

Securing early hires is akin to defining a company's DNA. It's essential to carefully plan and execute strategies for sourcing and engaging candidates to establish a strong foundation for your team.

A robust hiring funnel embraces the concept of "Happy 3rds," with approximately 30% of hires originating from passive candidates, inbound applicants, and employee referrals. While this guide primarily focuses on passive and referral candidates, these techniques are also applicable to inbound candidates.

Hiring sources based on a Lightspeed hiring report.

Enhancing Your Online Presence through Social Proofing

Building credibility and reducing risk perception is a unique challenge for early-stage companies. Potential candidates are likely to examine your online presence, profiles on platforms such as Crunchbase, LinkedIn, and AngelList, and company website, to determine if your organization is worth further exploration. Social proofing involves putting yourself in the candidates' shoes and evaluating how they might see your company when you approach them.   

Before initiating the sourcing process or if your company is struggling to attract strong candidates, consider implementing the following social proofing strategies:

  1. Display a clear and visible mission statement. If in stealth mode, convey values, industry expertise, and past experience without revealing proprietary information. 
  2. List advisors/investors with strong  personal branding and industry authority on your website.
  3. Use press coverage or create your own.
  4. Post jobs on platforms such as AngelList, Lenny Newsletters, and Lightspeed's Job Board, in addition to LinkedIn.
  5. Make sure diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)  is showing up externally.
Examples of impactful employee branding include: 
  • ReSim: A succinct two-sentence company synopsis that's easy to read.
  • CueIn: Instead of focusing on current projects, their mission statement describes the founding team and their past accomplishments.
  • Carta: Demonstrates a commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion through a dedicated page.

Inside our Workbook is a brand audit checklist to help you get started.  

Establishing a Sourcing Process

After auditing your company's presentation to candidates, establishing a sourcing funnel becomes pivotal in optimizing your time and resources.

Setting Up Your Sourcing Funnel with GEM or Ashby

GEM is a great tool for automating candidate processes and tracking outreach. By investing 2-3 hours in setting up your account and building default sequences, you can dedicate approximately 30 minutes per week to engaging with candidates and sending lightly customized messages.

Identifying Candidates Beyond Your Immediate Network

When reaching out to candidates, remember to:

  • Encourage easy referrals by providing a clear message for warm introductions.
  • Embrace tangent sourcing to expand the pool of high-quality candidates by reaching out to individuals within your contacts' networks.
  • Look beyond LinkedIn to platforms like Github, Twitter, Meetups, and other conferences or live events mentioned by potential candidates.

Playing the Long Game with a High-Priority List

Take a forward-thinking approach by creating a wish list of individuals you aim to hire in the next 12-18 months. Start reaching out and establishing connections with them now.

Outreach Fundamentals

When engaging with talent, make sure your messages are centered around the candidate and you’re following up 2-4 times if needed. Resist including everything in your first message; its sole purpose is to get a warm response. Lengthy and generic first messages often lessen the impact.

Personalization is key to effective engagement. Make candidates feel valued by highlighting their achievements and explaining why their profile stands out. In addition, your company pitch should include a clear vision, compelling hook, and establish a personal connection that resonates with the candidate.

Sending Effective Sequences

Persistence is key – follow up with candidates! Aim for 2-3 follow-ups (ideally 4 follow-ups) to maximize your chances of engagement. Many candidates are responding to the 2nd or even 4th message, so it’s critical you develop an outreach sequence (that you can incorporate in GEM).

Response benchmarks from GEM.

Focus on your Subject Lines

When creating subject lines, mention connections and personalize company differences to enhance message credibility. Messages with 2 pieces of personalization in their subject lines experience a response rate twice as high.

You can begin by using the Workbook or the Email Outreach Scripts template provided below. 

Sourcing and Management Tools

Utilizing the proper tools can streamline your process and organize your approach when finding and managing candidates. Start by using the tools listed below.

Candidate Sourcing Tools by Stage
0-50 Employees
50-500 Employees
50-500 Employees
Candidate Management Tools by Stage

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) or Candidate Management systems help users manage candidates throughout the interview process.

0-50 Employees
50-500 Employees
500+ Employees


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